Course Status

The course is open. Course Open - 3 temporary greens Buggies allowed.
On Going Work
- Buggy Routes -

These routes have been marked with red and white posts, please when using a buggy follow these as it is the best way we can continue to allow buggies on the course as well as protect the surfaces for through the winter.

- Bunker Renovations -

Work has started on the renovation of some of the steeper bunkers, this will help with maintenance costs as reduce wash out in bad weather.

Local Rules 2024

  1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2): A ball is out of bounds when it is beyond any wall or fence defining the boundary of the course. At the 18th hole a ball is out of bounds if it lies in or to the south of the car park including the exit road or on or over the path which runs from the top (exit) end of the carpark and joins the path bordering the clubhouse which includes the steps from the course and its continuation round the north side of the Clubhouse. Where the path stops, the boundary is marked by white stakes up to the white line in front of the protective netting. The white line in front of the protective netting signifies Out of Bounds to the west of the 18th green.

    2. Wrong greens (R13.1f) : The practice green to the left side of the 18th green is a wrong green from which relief must be taken using the marked dropping zone beside the greenside bunker. Wrong green relief must also be taken for a ball lying on a normal putting green at a hole where a temporary green is in use.

    3. Abnormal course conditions (Rule 16.1) (i) Young trees : trees identified by stakes and/or plastic wrapping are no play zones. If the player’s ball lies in general area and lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f. (ii) the areas defined by blue stakes on the right of the fairway on holes 9 and 14 are no play zones that are to be treated as abnormal course conditions from which free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1f . (iii) Immovable Obstructions a. Artificially surfaced paths including their edgings, the blue stakes at the no play zones and all other man-made structures, excluding internal walls, are immovable obstructions for the purpose of R16.1a b. Immovable obstructions close to the putting green : In addition to the interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists for a ball lying in the general area if an immovable obstruction on the player’s line of play is within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club-lengths of the ball. Relief may be taken under R16-1b but there is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
    Temporary Abnormal Ground Conditions:
    Heavy machinery tracks to the right of the 4th fairway should be regarded as GUR.
    The cut turf, laid out for later collection, to the right of the trees to the right of the 16th fairway should be regarded as GUR. Elsewhere GUR is clearly marked by white lines, relief may be taken without penalty. If marked as a No Play Zone (NPZ) free relief must be taken.

    4. Penalty Areas (R17) - the ponds at the 2nd, 12th and 17th holes are red penalty areas. Breach of a local rule leads to the general penalty COURSE SAFETY Please observe all on course signage relating to Health and Safety. Players on the 6th hole have precedence over those on the 4th hole; players on the 16th green have precedence over those on the 2nd tee.